• Deep Dream


  • Introducing Wavparty

    I’ve been having a lot of fun putting together sample packs so I threw a site together to make them easier to download. Check out Wavparty!

    BEHIND THE SCENES DETAILS: Just like this blog, the Wavparty site is a Jekyll static site hosted on Netlify for free. Demo songs are hosted on Soundcloud and downloads are done through Gumroad. I have seen the light and I am fully committed to low effort web development.

  • Sample Pack: Peaks Drums & More

    Get the Peaks sample pack for free at Wavparty.

    If you got into Eurorack in the mid 2010s, you probably had (or still have!) a Mutable Instruments Peaks in your rack. It’s a small dual channel Swiss Army knife that accepts two triggers and can generate envelopes, tempo-synced LFOs, and 808-inspired kick and snare sounds. You can also expand that functionality with alternative firmware. If you’re starting out with a small system this is incredibly valuable--but as the landscape evolved Peaks began to look like more and more of an anachronism. It has a tricky menu system, knob assignments that you will never memorize, and absolutely no CV control--the audacity!

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  • Sample Pack: Mini Shimmery Hi-Hats

    Get the Mini Shimmery sample pack for free at Wavparty.

    The Blue Lantern Mini Shimmery is a quirky hi-hat module that I’ve had in my rack for a while. It’s easy to dial in 808ish hi-hats, but the trio of oscillators can play off of each other in unpredictable ways to create some interesting sounds. I put together this sample pack of 68 Mini Shimmery sounds (some dry, many running through filters):

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